Tuesday, 2 October 2012 @ 21:00 | 0 comment(s)
Welcome to Laryona!!
(p.s it's La~ ryo~na, not lar~yo~na)
\(≧∇≦) (≧∇≦)/
We sell cakes!
Self-decorated Cakes!
WE provide the cakes and materials.
YOU design :D
Lets start playing!!
1st: Choose your plain cake! (●´∀`●)
choices available:
Your plain cake + toppings (default)
2nd: Get any extra materials that you wish to use to decorate!!
(please refer to the 'Materials' Page)
You are ready to 'rock and roll'!! O(≧∇≦)O
so..with your plain cake...
top view Side view
Using your creativity!! decorate it with the materials!!
you will have your final 'masterpiece'!